Thursday, November 15, 2012

Great Attributes To Have in Japan Relocation

I have recently been reading a book called "Big Winners and Big Losers", as naturally I wish to be the former and avoid the latter in Japan Relocation! This is a summary of what I have learnt.

I am going to do this across several posts, today being the first.

Great relocation companies have the following attributes;

1.     They have a “Sweet Spot”
2.     They have “Agility”
3.     They have “Discipline”
4.     They have “Focus”

Great companies are also said best to have either one of the 4 following strategies (or may be a combination);

Focused Cost Leadership (ie. low cost orientated); a narrow view and one type of customer
Cost Leadership (ie. low cost orientated); a broad view and many kinds of customers
Focused Differentiation (ie. not cost lead); a narrow view and one type of customer
Differentiation (ie. not cost lead); a broad view and many types of customer

I believe that if you are going to be best relocation company in Japan or any location in the world, you have to put your energy into "Focussed Differentiation".

The four secrets of long term business success are therefore to articulate one of the above approaches, with the 4 attributes as follows;

1.     Position yourself in a sweet spot; be in uncontested space
2.     Move with agility; get out of contested space and into uncontested space
3.     Be "hard-to-imitate" and disciplined; protect your uncontested space
4.     Concentrate and focus; exploit your uncontested space


“Sweet spots” can be attained by;
-       Co-designing products with your customers
-       Embedding yourselves in your customer’s infra-structure
-       Being brokers between your customer’s needs and the satisfaction of those needs

Are you just servicing your relocation clients, or are you strategically considering what puts you in a sweet spot as you are servicing your clients? It makes a difference!

Tune in again soon to learn about the 2nd, 3rd and 4th attributes!

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