Friday, August 17, 2012

Japan Relocation in Your Sleep!

Our industry is a very busy one, and many of us have those days when we are sleep deprived. However, sleep deprivation has been shown to damage brain cells.

The below is an excerpt from “Terry Small” who is known in this world as the “Brain Guy”. Thanks for your insights Terry!

Here are seven habits that can steal your sleep:

1.     No caffeine after lunch. Caffeine can stay with you for up to 12 hours leaving you wide awake at bedtime.
General rule: if you need an energy jolt try going for a brisk walk outside.

2.     Unplug. Cozying up to your laptop in bed could disrupt your sleep. The content stimulates your brain. And the emitted blue light mimics daylight. It can stop the production of melatonin - the sleep hormone.
General rule: turn off all gadgets an hour before bedtime.

3.     Exercise early in the day. Exercise is great for reducing stress and this helps sleep. But it also increases your body's core temperature, making it harder to fall asleep.
General rule: exercise at least 2 hours before bedtime. Earlier would be even better.

4.     Downsize dinner. Large meals take a long time to digest, delaying the onset of sleepiness.
General rule: try and make lunch your big meal of the day...or at least eat a bit more for lunch and little bit less in the evening.

5.     Skip the "nightcap". Period.

6.     Don't work in bed. Especially on your computer.
General rule: stop working at least an hour before bedtime.

7.     Sleeping pills? Very sparingly. Better not at all. A recent study reported in the BMJ Open journal found regular sleeping pill users were 4.6 times likelier to die prematurely.
General rule: don't.

8.     Make your bed. The National Sleep Foundation found that 44% of people who make their beds tend to sleep more soundly than those who don't.
General rule: don't leave your bed in a heap.

9.     Sleeping in on the weekend. Wide variations in your sleep-wake cycle can cause insomnia.
General rule: if you are dying for a sleep-in, try and keep it to just an hour more than your normal "get up time".

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