In our busy real estate and relocation industry, it is so easy to lose sight of the important things in life; our families and our friendships.
The first occasion was a few weeks ago, when cruelly the life of a 4-year old son of our clients was taken suddenly by influenza or a related kind of virus. What a tragedy for a family during their assignment in Japan. My heart goes out to them and how much they are missing Robin.
The second occasion was last Friday when the life of my host mother was taken at the age of 56 (she is pictured below with her husband at our wedding). She collapsed at her elementary school, after a hard day doing what she loved; teaching and looking after children. Even she was not to know about the massive brain hemorrhage that struck her down at around 5:30pm in her classroom, while she was alone, only to be found 3-hours later when someone noticed her bag was still in the staff room.

Michiyo Ozawa never recovered from the surgery, and after 10 days in hospital with little consciousness, she passed away on Friday 26th February at 2:30pm.
The Ozawa's were my first introduction to Japan. Michiyo, my host mother, taught and looked after me like all the other students in her life. All of the Japanese I speak, the culture I understand and the customs I now behave, furthermore the job I have, the house I live in and the family I have can truly be associated to this great person and her husband. There is no questionning that if it was not for Michiyo Ozawa I simply would not be here in Japan today. Like we are reminded each time someone passes before us, we never say thank you enough. I didn't thank her enough, and I regret it so much.
Thank you my Japanese Mum. You will live me with forever, and the only way I can probably thank you enough is to make Japan a better and more international place. I owe it to you for what you have given me and will not give up. Thank you so much again. Please rest quietly.
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