If you are in Nagoya and are looking for a challenge this July, how about climbing Mt. Fuji.
H&R Consultants / ReloJapan are once again sponsoring Hope International's charity climb of Mt. Fuji, to be held on July 10th and 11th. We will pay for you to get up there, so that you can concentrate on challenging the mountain and raising some funds so that Hope Interternational can provide clean water to those in Laos, and also support refugees in Sri Lanka.
I was a climber last year. We had terrific weather, and I forgot my suncreen. I came down a very burnt man!! It was a really great, but trying experience. We left Hongo in Nagoya at 11:00pm, arrived at the base of Mt. Fuji at 3:00am, and started climbing at 3:30am. There was about 1-hour in the dark, but the rest was in the light. It took 6-hours for me to get up to the top, arriving at 9:30am. I spent 1-hour at the top resting, and then came down in about 3.5 hours. Your shoes are very important. I had shoes that were a little tight, and ended up losing both of the toenails on each big toe. Going up is tough and requires alot of energy. Coming down is however worse, as you are tired, and it puts alot of strain on your legs and indeed your feet and toes.
Anyway. We have 37 people booked to challenge so far. The bus takes 50 people, so there are just 13 spots left. Contact Hope International on challenge@hope.or.jp to reserve your spot!
Have a great week!
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See H&R Consultants or ReloJapan! We want to help you in Japan!
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