Did you know that you need a Japanese Driver's License to drive in Japan? You do!
If you are here 12-months or longer, a International License will not suffice. You need a Japanese one! By law!
If you are from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand or South Korea it is a relatively easy process.
If you are from anywhere in the world, it is not so easy and you are going to need http://www.japandriverslicense.com/. Take a look now at how we can help you through this bureacracy.
But, why.......(I hear you all say)
1. Japanese Law says so.
2. Not having a Japanese license is the same as not being qualified to drive
3. Your insurance company is unlikely to cover you in an accident
4. It acts as a good form of ID when you lose your Gaijin Card...
Good reasons....? So, get your Japanese License!
So, why this topic today?
Well, the truth is I wrote this while in a 2-hour "Driving Seminar" that is required when you renew your Japanese License (the 2-hour seminar is for people who have offended.....parking tickets, speeding tickets, etc). This reminded me to remind you about being "legally licensed".
So what did I learn today? Well, not so much, as I was writing the above, but here are the main points.
a. Aichi Prefecture has the worst driving record in the whole country. The most deaths occur in Aichi.
b. Tokyo has a high death rate this year and is right up there with Aichi in 2007.
c. Using mobile phones while driving is illegal and causes many accidents. Don't do it! Even holding your phone in the car is illegal, so please use hand free devices.
d. Beware of procedures for earthquakes.
If you are in your car when an earthquake strikes, what do you do?
* Without breaking or swirving suddenly, safely slow down and stop on the lefthand side of the road.
* Once stopped, use your car radio to determine earthquake and traffic information, and act accordingly.
* If you are to evacuate leaving your car behind, do your best to park the car off the road. If this is not possible, park to the far left of the road, turn off the engine, leave the key in the car, wind up all windows and leave the car unlocked.
* When parking your car, consider disaster rescue activities and evacuation of others. Don't leave your car in places that could hinder rescue operations.
Drive safely with a license!